CAH-309 Catherine Holt
" Kightia Fish Fossil Wyoming-ites" Canvas Print
" Kightia Fish Fossil Wyoming-ites" Canvas Print
" Kightia Fish Fossil Wyoming-ites" Canvas Print
Artist: Catherine Holt
Print on canvas with wooden framework
Copy from artists original
Fish fossils and a fossilized fern plant
Kightia Fish Fossil
Wyoming State Fossil
Knightia (Fish)
(Knightia eocaena)
Adopted on February 18, 1987
Wyoming adopted two official fishes in 1987. The cutthroat trout, the only trout native to Wyoming, was designated the state fish. Knightia, (Knightia eocaena,) a prehistoric herring that left countless fossils in Wyoming, was named the state fossil. Prehistoric type of herring, closely related to today's Clupea herrings - lived 50 million years ago in a freshwater lake in what is now southwestern Wyoming. Their demise is a bit of a mystery; all we really know is that they died very suddenly, in large groups.
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6" long x 8" high x 1 1/2" wide
Signed and numbered by the artist