2024 Fall Artist Mixer at Works of Wyoming
30+ WoW Artists, WoW Staff, WWBC board and staff met and mingled together at Works of Wyoming.
This is a chance to meet, not only fellow Artists and Artisans, but to meet the Staff and Board members of the Wyoming Women's Business Center. The WWBC holds the 501C3 non profit status that WoW operates under.
WoW currently supports Artists who are Wyoming residents, and are selected through an annual jury / selection process. Artists are from all across Wyoming, however, most live in the SE part of Wyoming.
Svetlana, Jackie, Melonie, Jon
Erika (WoW staff), Wendy (WWBC Executive Director),
Desiree (WWBC Artist Development Director), Chantelle (WoW Staff),
Svetlana (Artist)
Erika, Melonie, Paul, Jackie
Chantelle, Sadie, Billi
Nicollette, Wendy (WWBC Executive Director)
Jon, Svetlana
Svetlana, Ginnie, Jackie
Artists enjoying the refreshments
Jon, perusing the refreshments
Colleen (Board member) and Clair (Artist)
Billi, Sadie and Nicolette
Coleen (Board member), Sadie, Billi
Claire, Sadie, Colleen, Billi
Chantelle, BJ, Kevin, Paul